Tuesday, September 2, 2008

A Blog Idea!

1). My interests within the media field mainly consist of the writing and study of sitcoms and social media. I could do lots of things with sitcoms, but I don't know how much it would actually serve the community. So, I might write my blog on some interesting element of social media. I've been thinking over the last couple of months on how trends start through the media. I'm not taking about the latest fashion to come on the market, but instead, social trends like the environmental movement or the "living green" aspect. Or anything else that someone delegates as a "problem" and thus uses the media as her pipeline to disseminate information to us. As with the current environmental movement, how come this has only been a big issue within the last four or five years? How come the media wasn't so saturated with this kind of news thirty years ago? Who delegates social trends as a problem, what information is given to us, what is not? How does this trend effect our daily lives and how can we cope with such a plethora of information out there?

I would be willing to some research and find out what other of these kind of trends are out there, write about them and discuss how the media is portraying them. Maybe I could find how you, the consumer, are benefiting from the particular social trend materialistically. If this seems like a lot to take on, it probably is, but I would have to find a way that would make it easier or simplier for me.

2). My other much easier idea I have for a blog concerns situation comedies. I want to be a sitcom writer, so it would interesting to look deep into them. I was thinking I could take various sitcom characters from classic sitcoms past and present, and analyize their personality and quirks as characters. I would leave each post open at the end for people to post what they might want to add. I would include snipits of this character on their respective show in action as well. I would also include a character analysis of brand new sitcoms for this fall season, charting their progress. I could have a list of information that tells people of the most trite examples of sitcom plots, which shows use this the most. It's basically sitcom mania!

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